why havent i got my dell rewards i claimed almost a year ago , the aw stickers and aw banner, no place to ask why, and now i order 4 more merch items and 3 weeks later they want my phone number because the business that supplys and send their merch can verifiy who your are then they will send merch so i add phone numer to account and i get no sms with code , i got email saying same thing send numer address , i did still nothing ,they said in email if they do not recieve phone number , you will not reicieve your merch, this is bs its there way of not giving rewards that were properely earned and given run around with no way of sending a commplaint , not even the email that was sent ,i replyed to this second email, and still go no responce other than its not them it some other company wtf is going on here , i love the aw merch and proud to display it but come on some one talk to me , nothing seems to work for comunications on this web page ,please someone help...... txu
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