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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: SXFTJ-3ZT6T-JJTTB-JBJ3J-XZCFJ. Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: SR6TJ-HXJFT-JJTJT-BBJBB-K5BK6. Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: S66J3-FRTX3-3J3BB-BBTB3-WTTHZ. Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: SFRJJ-CRTXB-JBBB3-JBJT3-XKSH6. Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: HFF3J-TRBFB-B333B-JJ3JT-9ZFZH. Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: ZXX3J-ZWJX3-BT3TJ-BT33J-X3WCT. Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: Z663T-XCJF3-B3B33-B333J-SJCTZ. Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: 96XBB-WWTXJ-33BBB-3333J-5HSJJ Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: ZRXJT-3KTX3-BT3J3-33TJB-XWZKW Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: HX63J-9JT63-BJBTB-TB333-RZXFW Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: HRFTJ-XBB63-33T33-TB3JB-H5W59 Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: SFFB3-KTXSB-333JJ-3B3J3-JX5FH Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: ZX63B-9SZWT-3BBJT-J33JJ-H9KJ6 Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: SFRJB-RZSK3-JBJTB-J3B33-ZK5SB Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: 96R3T-KHZC3-TBJJT-J3JJT-99BZF Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: 9XXT3-RXCTJ-3BTTB-3BJTB-TWWTT Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1 GOTY: 96RBT-ZTC33-T3T33-JT3BT-9BHZJ Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: ZFRTT-9KR3J-J3JBJ-BJBJJ-BHFHJ
Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: SFXBJ-6BFJB-TJ3BT-BJ3J3-RCHWX Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: H6FTB-35R33-J333B-JTB3T-K5HJX Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: SR63B-995B3-TBTBT-B333J-5H6CX Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: SF6T3-5BRJ3-33JB3-TBJJJ-5JZWX Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: 9XRJJ-T9C3J-BJTJT-T3BB3-WR55R Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: H6FBB-RHKJ3-BTJJB-J3BTJ-3KWZJ Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards
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Gold Master

New SHiFT code for Borderlands 1, 2, 3, TPS, and Wonderlands: SXFBT-39953-J33TT-3T333-KSHW6 Activation in game or at https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards