Gaming Monitor Stops A Bullet, Still Works Great

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At four o'clock Fresno County, resident of California, Eric Gan heard a loud banging noise in his house last Sunday morning. Before falling asleep, he lay awake in panic for an hour, figuring he would observe the morning damage. He wasn't expecting to find five bullet holes later in his home. What he also didn't expect was that one of them had been stopped mid-flight by his gaming monitor. What he did not expect most definitely was that the monitor was still working.

Gan's home, where he lives with roommates, was punctured five times that night, first reported by PC Gamer after Gan posted on Twitter about the incident. The south wall was marred by bullet holes. He didn't know why, chalking it up to some kids going too hard in the vicinity.

Gan received a message from the manufacturer of the monitor offering a replacement after posting about the shooting and the incredible endurance of his monitor on Twitter and Reddit. Gan says he was playing Apex Legends again the day after the incident as if nothing had happened.

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