Use the ARP you’ve earned to claim rewards


Pumpkin Man
65 ARP
Scarecrow Body
65 ARP
Scarecrow Cap
50 ARP
Plague Doctor Boots
50 ARP
Plague Doctor Vestments
50 ARP
Plague Doctor Tunic
50 ARP
Plague Doctor Hat and Mask
50 ARP
Witch Dress
50 ARP
Witch Hat
50 ARP
Skull Bonfire Border
350 ARP
Samurai Helmet and Mask
85 ARP
Samurai Vestements
85 ARP
Samurai Greaves
85 ARP
Samurai Geta
85 ARP
70s Hair
55 ARP
70s Jumpsuit
55 ARP
70s Fish Platforms
55 ARP
Viking Helm
45 ARP
Viking Hair
45 ARP
Viking Fur Armor
45 ARP
Viking Pants
45 ARP
Viking Boots
45 ARP
Chess Border
35 ARP
Ink Well Border
45 ARP