I was gifted Helldivers 2 Late April, I've verified my STEAM settings as per the Quest Setup information Page (All Public, and an Unchecked Private Playtime Visibility), and recently sync'd my games and completed a CYOG (Choose Your Own Game) Quest. I'm having trouble joining the Helldivers Community Quest. It offers me Steam Page AND Sync Games. It has yet to display JOIN. Please help. Also, my Twitch Extension has never worked since last week. keeps saying Max received on every "first daily visit".
HyperBeast05 - 05.02.2024 18:00:25
Maybe try reconnecting your steam account to AWA
Papa-Zoit - 05.02.2024 18:03:06
same problem here
SamR1710 - 05.02.2024 18:17:26
I've done the diligent IT troubleshooting I can; I've Revoked/Granted the AWA extension at least once on every AND Through AWA account settings Reconnected steam account. repeated these processes on Edge, FF, and OperaGX too.
skairkroe - 05.02.2024 19:31:58
.OLIVERIO. - 05.02.2024 19:43:10
Use Free Games so everyone gets a chance to play
RaPtUrA - 05.02.2024 21:57:49
Try solutions mentioned here:
asiquesi - 05.04.2024 05:27:05
You will probably have already played a bit but, in case you have not, try playing at least 30 minutes and then sync again as games with no play time are usually not seen by AWA.
SamR1710 - 05.07.2024 02:23:43
@RaPtUrA Thank you for the link, no positive change in both Game detection and AWA extension in my first attempt today. I'm gonna give it another college try tomorrow. Unsure which college atm .
SamR1710 - 05.13.2024 21:00:42
realizing the linked FAQ requires about 24hrs inbetween a specific troubleshoot step, I've come to report. NO CHANGE. Still unable to detect HellDivers 2 in my LIbrary thus unable to Join the community Event. Twitch ARP still borked