I wasn't credited the 100 Dell rewards points that I got from the marketplace. Do I contact the email from the FAQ or is there another route I can take to make sure I get my points?
SeverusMeowkins - 07.02.2024 04:29:42
same thing happened to me with the 300& 400 point days. U contacted the email in the FAQ. got a response & fix the next day. It must just be a syncing issue. good luck!
Foolish_Imp - 07.02.2024 04:37:21
@SeverusMeowkins, Okay thank you, I'll contact them.
DrowningInIt - 07.04.2024 01:01:27
It is something you have to go to My Rewards and claim by scrolling down.
Foolish_Imp - 07.04.2024 16:24:28
@DrowningInIt. Ah snap, that was it. Thank you. last time I got Dell rewards, I don't remember having to claim them.