About Community Giveaways Whats wrong with them?Right now im just checking the Grip:Combat Racing-its says that its still 3 days remaining, but when u tap on it and goes for the giveaway page-im seeing this "Winners have been selected." So how is it working and why giveaways like this still staying open,while they already end?
SenorGrande - 07.07.2024 10:57:41
I also facing this issue regularly.
T4bletopG4mes - 07.07.2024 11:21:03
Unless an admin changes it to closed, it will just keep counting up. Its a known bug.
AlexanderAnders0n - 07.07.2024 16:35:00
Still kinda strange
TurdFerguson87 - 07.07.2024 17:42:05
Yeah, I've started to notice the issues when I tried it out. Worst problem was being told I didn't win. Depressing.