
Earth Invader

Finished Daily Quest, Voted on discord poll, Watched Twitch. But my ARP is only registering for Daily time on site and Steam Event. Tried relogin. Nothing works. Edit: Seems like the issue has been fixed.
0 / 240
03.21.2024 09:38:09 - ArsVidya -
I'm experiencing a similar problem. Since this morning I'm capped at 7499 ARP and nothing seems to change this.
03.21.2024 09:38:40 - LyndaSmiles -
Im having the same problem. Gave me 5 ARP for today and nothing for the other things i did. :/
03.21.2024 09:39:02 - petticoatsnobee -
03.21.2024 09:40:52 - zakijesk -
same for me only regestring the time on site ARP, twitch and daily arn't regestring
03.21.2024 11:04:23 - vicmac -
Same for me. I just completed the game and nothing shows on my arp progress besides twitch quests
03.21.2024 11:18:21 - Vendal -
03.21.2024 11:35:08 - hhermes -
No ARP for me too, after completing both minigames.
03.21.2024 11:37:47 - hhermes -
Also no ARP gained from Warframe daily login.
03.21.2024 12:42:43 - Daytraders -
Arp was stuck, but seems ok now
03.21.2024 17:34:12 - Fruit Punch Samurai -
Missing most of my ARP for today, so I guess AWA is screwing around with another site update.