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This month the time on Twitch for getting ARP has increased by a lot? It takes forever to reach the 30 ARP now.
blalilulelo - 09.27.2024 14:43:42
Need to use only Hive streamers if you want the fastest time, but yea even then it feels slow at times.
MegaMaxedStone - 09.27.2024 15:34:59
yes, it's a recent change. I'm going to switch to double time on site when I hit +4 or +5 on that other artifact
Fruit Punch Samurai - 09.27.2024 16:56:24
Not "a lot", but just "a little bit longer":
j​k - 09.28.2024 08:11:51
0.4 ARP/minute for Hive, 0.2 ARP/min for Partners and Nexus. Partners used to earn at 0.4 ARP/min.
FLYeRNeT - 09.28.2024 08:49:00
you are right now this is too long, because often no hives :(
Fruit Punch Samurai - 09.28.2024 15:47:33
@jk - Those work during daytime (USA), but nights have been a crapshoot even before the recent update. It's normal to earn 30 ARP/0.4 = 75 minutes in an afternoon Hive stream, but 75 minutes in an evening Hive stream can give 23 to 30 ARP.
Tabbou - 09.29.2024 07:36:38
not good news
AIlike - 09.29.2024 10:11:18
Oh man, I can only earn 17 ARP for twitch. That's quite the difference. :O
EloyOnAW - 09.29.2024 10:36:50
Yeah, I get 15 ARP in 90 minutes Hive. It's insanely slow. I hope we'll get good new artifacts next year so I don't need to use the Twitch one anymore.