can we stop with the "join community event" "start quest" thing?
like just start counting the hours, why would you want an extra useless step in the middle that i keep forgetting to press...?
There is most likely a technical reason behind having to click those. It probably adds your Steam account to a list so that when it gets updates on your time played they aren't requesting information from every AWA account.
Uhh.... yeah no... "... that i keep forgetting to press" seems like a "you" problem. You already remember to check the site daily I think? Why not just add that to your routine.
What Zero3ffect is correct. If they didn't have that step of joining the event or starting a quest, they'd be polling accounts that aren't active/don't own the game. Steam API limits requests per day, and limits would be reached quick.
Comments here are correct, we don't track any information about your gameplay unless you opt in, for obvious privacy issues as well as just technical issues of how much data would be required to scan and store all members gameplay...
In addition to everything else here, it's another reminder to set the Steam profile to public so gameplay time can be tracked. Otherwise i keep my profile visibility to friends only.
Why would you want the extra step? So you can equip the artifacts you have and get bonus ARP. If you think your complaining is bad, wait until you see how many complaints there would be from people that didn't understand how it worked.
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