Every Community Event, I forget to click the "Join" button after installing the game... Any chance we could join at the same time we click to install, or the software can remember that we didn't have the game and count all our playtime?
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07.26.2024 16:24:32 - Fruit Punch Samurai -
You forget that for every event?!? I think you need to put down the video games and go see a doctor. 😰
07.26.2024 16:27:50 - Fruit Punch Samurai -
I think AWA would have to constantly (24/7) monitor the Steam accounts for all it's members to keep track what they have installed.
07.26.2024 21:30:03 - AySz88 -
AFAICT, AWA is already monitoring our Steam accounts anyway for the Steam Quests. (And for the record, I'm usually rushing to set it running during work or sleep... 🙄)
07.26.2024 21:35:30 - AySz88 -
In case you didn't know: the button for joining doesn't even work until your Steam account has the game (it goes to the store page for the game, instead). You have to refresh manually for it to show that you're not in the event.
07.26.2024 23:35:44 - MysteriousMrX -
They have a limited number of Steam API calls they can do per day, so they can't poll every user's Steam account freely to automate some of this stuff. They can't assume anyone who owns a game is part of the event, as anyone on vacation or
07.26.2024 23:37:01 - MysteriousMrX -
moved on will wind up adding to unnecessary API calls. Unfortunately, you'll probably always have to do certain things manually for the Steam events and quests. Part of the reason the hours are usually only polled every 3 hours during
07.26.2024 23:39:34 - MysteriousMrX -
events seems to be stay within the limits, so I doubt you'll see any freeing up in regards to doing more API calls if it can be avoided.
07.27.2024 11:15:58 - AySz88 -
They would have needed to poll the API anyway to see that I didn't have the game yet, yes?
07.27.2024 15:53:08 - Fruit Punch Samurai -
For Steam Quests, simply installing a game isn't enough for AWA to monitor my play time. I have to 1) install the game, 2) run it a little, 3) add it in my AWA account with their Sync/Check button, 4) and finally click the Start button.
07.27.2024 15:55:06 - Fruit Punch Samurai -
Anyway, if you can get enough members with the same issue as you to complain on Discord, then maybe the staff will take notice and consider it a big enough problem to make changes. Good luck! 👍