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Any chance we can get some oversight on these AW Hive/Partner streamers? They're actively promoting gambling on weird sites, seems very scummy. Not to mention gambling or online gambling is illegal on several countries.
MARSM4N - 11.04.2024 04:47:46
Exactly! "vTuber", lol. Also the irony in her rules: "- This is an 18+ mature stream." "- DO NOT MENTION YOUR AGE!!" Can't make this sh** up, LMAO! What's next, hot tub streams? Licking ASMR? Body painting?
scrotie - 11.04.2024 05:48:00
There's a mature content warning you have to click through... you could try not clicking accept if it bothers you.
MARSM4N - 11.04.2024 05:50:37
There was no mature warning for me (now it is). But that's not the question here. The question is why promote something to kids?
Kartred - 11.04.2024 06:39:57
MegaMaxedStone is right to point out the inappropriate promotion of such streamers. Many online gambling platforms are linked to money laundering. This has no place on a site specializing in video games.
Tmmimitw - 11.04.2024 10:29:03
people actually watch these streams? i thought everyone had them muted on 160p in an abandoned tab
bmurray75 - 11.04.2024 12:06:23
@Kartred "This has no place on a site specializing in video games." Where have you been?
MARSM4N - 11.04.2024 12:19:10
Twitch, like Youtube, has basically become a promo platform for XXX streamlets. Also news from 2 days ago: "Twitch CEO Dan Clancy was CAUGHT actively using multiple p*rn websites & even favouriting one of his employees 'Mia Malkova'" LMAO!
CitizenXLVIII - 11.04.2024 14:27:43
@MARSM4N, the age rule is a common rule in 18+ chats. There's no irony there.
CitizenXLVIII - 11.04.2024 14:41:13
@MARSM4N Regarding the Dan Clancy allegations, you're just falling for trolling. Look at the "evidence" they provided. It's all easily faked. Even if it were true, it happened before he was a Twitch CEO. Mia is also not an employee.