DD2 is still in stock wow . maybe coz they are not available in some regions .. though i dont meet tier 5 . lets see if they would decrease the tier if they remain in stock for sometime .. :D
Sion89 - 04.20.2024 06:44:07
I really want this game... Such injustice... I'm starting to lose confidence in AWA :(
rokocoko - 04.20.2024 07:28:01
It was unavailable for all Europe?
rashidtaha - 04.20.2024 12:26:11
i took this game but i can't activate it in my region wt hell
sagarWolf - 04.20.2024 18:06:27
@rashidtaha contact awa support , they will replace your key or they will refund your arp
rashidtaha - 04.20.2024 19:19:10
S@AGARWOLF i contact him no response
sagarWolf - 04.21.2024 05:22:00
they will respond to your email in sometime @rashidtaha