For all the people asking for a lottery or raffle system for the Vault, here is a post from Pylawn on discord. Point 1 answers that particular suggestion.
lomaxgnome - 11.23.2024 12:13:16
We were all seeing errors all over the web site, not just because keys were gone. And there's ways to make it more fair without making it legally a "raffle." They could have costs start higher and then decline for example.
kovec - 11.23.2024 13:37:29
I still don't understand why #1 is illegal in so many places since it doesn't involve any money. How is it different from something like steamgifts that makes it illegal for the game vault?
spigias - 11.23.2024 13:58:47
thank you for the heads up kerravon
Aradiel. - 11.23.2024 15:23:48
Supply and demand. We need more keys or less users. Where's Thanatos when we need him?
War_Child_82 - 11.23.2024 17:08:15
@kerravon Thanks for the info! Makes sense. Making it so games are redeemed directly on steam would stop the sellers (would this have to be via gifting tho? Which could also be a problem in some countries)
TurdFerguson87 - 11.23.2024 18:12:58
Steamgifts is literally a raffle-style site that also does not involve the winner spending money (for nothing if they don't get the prize). Point 1 makes an argument about key distribution that's already limited. Kind of pointless.
TurdFerguson87 - 11.23.2024 18:15:11
The only difference here is that SG raffles usually have only ONE key in a GA, so AWA would still be more than generous if not everyone can participate.
TurdFerguson87 - 11.23.2024 18:16:51
Also, it's a weird argument to make when AWA also has regional treatments that are different. The "90%" thing basically already exists. It's the DRP they give us.
CitizenXLVIII - 11.23.2024 19:20:32
While I dislike the idea of higher costs, the reality is that you have hundreds of old users with a lot of ARP. Many miss out on game vault every month, and keep accumulating ARP. It'd solve the issue of ppl having too much ARP I guess.
Fruit Punch Samurai - 11.23.2024 19:59:12
@kovec @TurdFerguson87 - Are any Steamgifts giveaways from a company rather than an end-user? Laws vary on who they apply. Also, isn't Dell in charge of their DRP program, but they hired a marketing company to operate this AWA program?