Question for the Euro users: what time of the day do you usually tune in to get your Twitch points? I have tried in the late afternoon but I only ever get "Nexus" or "Parners" streams and no Hive which makes it way longer to get points.
easyrhino - 11.05.2024 16:36:15
most (all?) of the Hivers are in the US, and seem to be most active in the latter evening (like 7pm+) on weekdays or in the afternoon on saturdays. So that would mean... extremely early morning in europe?
easyrhino - 11.05.2024 16:37:38
I mean I often just leave a couple streams on and then walk away from my computer if they're not interesting....
Romuch81 - 11.05.2024 16:56:05
GMT +2 here, I usually do it when I wake up at 6-7AM, usually done in an hour
Stlars - 11.05.2024 17:08:48
Yeah, early in the morning of you want Hive-streams. On the weekends its viable in the evening. The nexus and partner ARP nerf was not good if you're outside the US...
chal8 - 11.05.2024 17:18:07
between 07 and 09 central european time - when i get up in the morning
Fruit Punch Samurai - 11.05.2024 17:21:11
Two Aussies were recently added to the Hive, but I think it's night-time in the USA during their streams. 😴
Badfluffster - 11.05.2024 17:30:43
I guess they could have a couple of streamers from other parts but I can swing early morning. or just leave it on at night and see if that works
Fruit Punch Samurai - 11.05.2024 18:06:27
It's the middle of the day for me in the USA, but AWA's Watch Twitch list has been completely empty for the past hour. 😑
docasne - 11.06.2024 14:58:45
MatthewSantoro streams around 18:00-20:00 GMT+1
docasne - 11.06.2024 15:23:55
MatthewSantoro is online now :D (16:00)