It's not bots, but there should be a better way. Refreshing a broken site to have a tiny chance at a few keys sucks. Clicking confirm and having the site break at that moment (which is what happened to me today) sucks. Let people register that they want a game in advance and then have a drawing from those people and have them pay the ARP then, at least for the big ticket small volume games. Then it would at least feel fair instead of most people feeling screwed over.
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11.22.2024 23:25:11 - aliencal -
I got the cat one, saw some errors but then it said claimed after another refresh. But ya, this is what I'd like to see vs frantically trying to click exactly right and then getting lucky. It works over on steamgifts.
11.22.2024 23:25:17 - alienDuder -
Perhaps it is the fact that there's too many people with rank 5 now... maybe they should add more ranks, and the amount of lifetime ARP necessary should be really steep for the higher ones.
11.22.2024 23:26:15 - aliencal -
I'd like to know how many people there are vs how many keys. I imagine there are more people trying than most think.
11.22.2024 23:26:22 - alienDuder -
Or perhaps make it necessary to complete some skill based minigame and achieve a certain score threshold in order to be shown the confirm button... IDK... Would also fight bots..
11.23.2024 00:10:41 - monknl -
Or make it so that all games start off very expensive like 20k ARP then have it gradually declines over the week coming down to 5k ARP or something. Thats way people that saved up alot have more chance and people are spending more ARP
11.23.2024 00:50:46 - Codasim -
@monknl That is not a bad idea at all to be honest, Hope someone at the top reads it and thinks about it.
11.23.2024 03:00:35 - lomaxgnome -
@aliencal Well we know there's over five thousand rank 5 people now and well over ten thousand rank 4. If they had more than a hundred keys for Metaphor Refantazio I'd be surprised.